Our second I’m a Geoscientist event goes live for two weeks from 9th to 20th March 2015.
Schools (blue) and scientists (yellow) taking part in I’m a Geoscientist, March 2015 | Click for larger image
Thanks to the European Geosciences Union funding I’m a Geoscientist. For the latest updates on the event, follow @ImAGeoscientist, and @EuroGeosciences on Twitter.
Let’s take a look at the schools and scientists taking part this March in the 2015 Zone!
The Scientists
Alice Marzocchi | PhD Student at University of Bristol, UK
“I make computer simulations of very old climates (when the Earth was warmer and wetter than today) then I go on research ships to study ocean currents and in the field to look at lots of rocks.”
Andreas Rudersdorf | PhD Student at RWTH Aachen University, Germany
“I’m trying to understand the earthquake history of a remote oasis in the Gobi Desert!”
Bas van den Berg | PhD Student at University of Salamanca, Spain
“I am looking at rocks taken from 300 meters underground in the Southwest of Spain to figure out how, six million years ago, a change in climate and in water flow between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea caused a huge layer of salt of 1 km thick.”
Daniel Pastor Galán | Postdoc at University of Ultrecht, The Netherlands
“Pangaea, the greatest of the continents formed about 300 million years ago, why? how? This is what I try to discover!”
Rhian Meara | Lecturer at Swansea University, UK
“I am a lecturer in Geology and Physical Geography at Swansea University. I have worked on active volcanoes in Iceland including during the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajokull!”
The Schools
- 138th Secondary School, Bulgaria
- II Liceum Ogólnokształącące im .K.K Baczyńskiego, Poland
- Colegiul German Goethe, Romania
- Dogan College, Turkey
- Elementary School Vladislav Ribnikar, Serbia
- High School with Bilingual Units in Boguchwala, Poland
- IES Cañada Real, Spain
- IES Eduardo Pondal, Spain
- Institut del Voltreganes, Spain
- Institut Verdaguer, Spain
- Ion Creanga High School, Romania
- Kaalfontein Secondary School, South Africa
- Lebone, South Africa
- Liceo da Vinci Terracina, Italy
- Liceo Scientifico GB Grassi, Italy
- Linda West Primary School, Zambia
- Lycee d’Arsonval, France
- Marie Laurencin High School, France
- Rudi-Stephan-Gymnasium Worms, Germany
- Scoala Gimnaziala et Teodor Balan, Romania
- SMK Convent Pulau Tikus, Malaysia
- The Koc School, Turkey